Somehow, we are a house obsessed with badgers.
Well. I do know where it came from. Our little guy has cerebral palsy, and fights some every day tough battles. He is tenacious, relentless, determined. Tough. But seriously the sweetest kid you will ever meet. He loves snuggles and kisses and hugs and cuddles too. But he has a fighting spirit that has him doing so well in his four times a week therapies.
I also do this "thing" where I imagine what spirit animal my family members would be if they were animals. Long story. Little man is a total badger. But a good one, not a grouchy one.
Billy had read recently that stuffed animals are great for children and their development. That they offer an impartial ear, someone to commiserate with, play with. We decided the perfect little friend for our badger, was of course, a badger.
I found this one and fell in love:
This is Hugo, made by the artist Lesne on Etsy. He flew here all the way from Poland to be with W. He was destined to be a Christmas surprise...
then I got nervous that he wouldn't arrive in time, and found this guy, and ordered him too...
So we now have two stuffed badger friends for the boy. I call them his collection of International Badgers, as Edgar is from England.
Around the same time, I found this.
Because every boy needs a badger cardigan. (I got it from Mini-Boden at Nordstrom) We get so many compliments on it!
And now we are in love with badgers. We have added two books to our collection, and are on the lookout for more fun badgery things!
What about you? Any quirky collections or treasured items?
And if you know of any badgers, let me know!
Now those are cute. It's okay to have two because washing and drying will wear on them. My tween has two Bear Bears, one was a gift from her auntie and I had to get another from eBay since Carters only keeps a design for 6 months. Her little sister has five teddies, all from STonestown's Brookstone. She got a scrawny one fro Christmas from my mom's high school friend. Husband told me to get more. I bought one more at Brookstone. He said it wasn't enough. We went back on the weekend and asked the sales guy how many they had in stock; he brought out two more from the back to add to the one we had found in store. So five it is. Each has a soft spot she likes to rub with her fingers and she has favorites. All of them are sitting on her bed along with her growing Tsum Tsums collection.